Monday 3 March 2014

The Emperor - Following Ambitions with Vision and Autonomy

the emperor aquatic tarot
The Emperor is the archetypal authority figure; he represents the father, the boss, government, police and the law.

His purpose is to bring order to chaos, create structure and solid foundations, organise and manage people.

With his visionary ideas and strategic thinking, the Emperor also sets big and bold goals for the future, which he is determined to achieve.

Astrologically, the Emperor is linked to Aries; with his fiery energy he follows his aspirations and ambitions with decisive action fuelled by enthusiasm, confidence and a distinct competitive streak.

If necessary, he doesn't shy away from conflict always believing that conquest and victory are within his reach.

When the Emperor appears in a reading about your work and career, he may ask you to
  • set yourself an ambitious goal or target; dream big, create a clear vision and build a framework of where you want to be
  • put your plans into action and persevere
  • stand up for yourself; don't let others control or intimidate you
  • re-organise your workspace, team or business to improve efficiency and productivity
  • observe your boss, a business leader or successful entrepreneur in your field of work; explore how they got to where they are today. What can you learn from them?
  • focus on logic, reason and left-brain thinking
  • take responsibility not just for your work and career but for people, too. How can you set a good example for your team and co-workers? How can you inspire others to fulfil their potential? 
  • find your career niche, the place where your skills are recognised and in demand, and where you can make a difference
  • look at the bigger picture
  • view an obstacle as a challenge rather than a problem
  • be authentic and true to yourself rather than trying to fit in with other people's ideals and expectations
  • make an important decision
  • work more independently
  • resolve a conflict amicably
Promotion and success may well be within your reach, but also remember that the higher you rise, the deeper you can fall. 

For the Emperor, failure isn't an option, but don't let your achievements get to your head.

Avoid: impulsiveness, lack of foresight, mistrust, being a control-freak, getting entangled in details, perfectionism, fear of delegating (tendency to micro-manage), mistrust, stress and burn-out, winning at all cost, unfair tactics (eg. backstabbing), power-tripping, abuse of power, complacency, running out of steam, being emotional.

Tarot Magick: meditate on the image of this card to manifest
- increased confidence - new ideas - a promotion at work - success of a project - effective leadership skills

Related Minor Arcana Cards (linked to Aries): Two of Wands, Three of Wands, Four of Wands

What message does the Emperor hold for you in your work and career? 

Warmest wishes,


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  1. Hi Christiane, a very good post. One of the rare ones that rightly advises on meditating on a card to manifest a particular result. The Emperor card in the right position can also mean a supportive boss or someone in authority who will come through for the querant. But could you please elaboraye on the related minor arcana...i dont understand d connection..thnx

    1. Good point, mystical moon. Yes, the Emperor can also indicate a boss or other authority figure. The Minor Arcana cards linked astrologically to the Emperor are the Two, Three and Four of Wands (Aries). Perhaps this post will help you make more sense of the connection:
      Thank you for your comment!


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